Hi there! I'm


Front-end developer with an ICT & cibersecurity legal background


Although my predominant background is on legal, as a labour, commercial and ICT lawyer also have a background in Cybersecurity and data protection. A few years ago, I founded out my passion for tech and that I would mix my two experiences. After a Master program in ICT law _emergent technologies law_ started my studies on Software enginering, fulfilled with the bootcamp con front end development.

Featured Projects

Imagen de News site

News site

This project was completed during the second week of the bootcamp, showcasing the skills and concepts learned in a short amount of time. The project consists of two pages, each with a unique design and functionality.

  • Page 1: The first page features a clean and user-friendly layout, providing an intuitive introduction to the project’s content.
  • Page 2: The second page presents a distinct design, offering a fresh user experience while maintaining the overall theme of the project. This page includes a link to an external URL, giving users access to more detailed content or resources.

Both pages are accessible via a link, demonstrating the ability to create seamless navigation and diverse page layouts.

Imagen de Movies Site

Movies Site

Completed during the 14th week, this project uses React and React Router to create a multi-page app. The TMDB API is integrated to organize movies by "Popular" and "Now Playing," updating dynamically with user interactions and ratings.

Imagen de Books Site

Books Site

Completed in week 6, this project introduced arrays, loops, and objects in JavaScript. A tribute to my sister, a new writer, featuring some of her favorite books. The final space is dedicated to showcasing the first of many books she will write.

Imagen de Chatbot


This project was completed during the 5th week of the bootcamp, where we focused on learning how to manipulate the DOM, and how to use functions and scope in JavaScript. I also designed the layout to improve the pages visibility and make it more user-friendly. By incorporating these key concepts, I was able to enhance the overall user experience, making the site not only functional but also intuitive and easy to navigate.

Imagen de Accesibility


In week 8, we focused on accessibility in web design. This project features two pages that adhere to the WCAG guidelines, ensuring that content is accessible to all users. We applied the POUR test (Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust) to make the site as inclusive as possible. The pages are designed with inclusivity in mind, offering a free downloadable NVDA screen reader for users who need it. Additionally, I implemented a high-contrast toggle button, allowing users with visual impairments to easily navigate and enjoy the site. For me, the main goal of this project was to create a diverse and inclusive experience, where accessibility is a central theme.

Imagen de Music releases

Music releases

Week 9 was a major milestone! The goal was to get hands-on experience with Node.js, JSX, and dive into React, particularly focusing on components and props. Despite the breadth of the concepts learned, the final project is particularly exciting from a user experience perspective: a Spotify Mockup! This project helped me understand how to structure apps with React, as well as how to handle dynamic data and enhance user interaction. The mockup mimics the look and feel of Spotify, offering a practical challenge in UX/UI design while reinforcing my React skills.

Imagen de World weather App

World weather App

Week 7 was a challenge, but I successfully created a worldwide weather app! This project involved working with APIs, fetch, and promises to retrieve real-time weather data. Users can check the weather forecast for the next 5 days, with the design and icons dynamically changing based on the weather conditions of the selected city. It was an awesome experience, and I am proud of how the app came together!.

Imagen de Survey_Harry Potters Quiz

Survey_Harry Potters Quiz

In Week 10, we delved into React States and Controlled Forms. Despite the complexity of the topic, I was able to apply these concepts excellently in this dynamic Harry Potter quiz! It is a fun, interactive experience for fans of the wizarding world!.

Imagen de Handoff_Thorondors Kennel

Handoff_Thorondors Kennel

Week 13 was both the most emotional and the most challenging project. Following the design of a talented UX/UI design course mate, we dove deep into using Figma as a design tool. The design is as spectacular as it sounds! Created specifically for mobile devices, the goal was to make it applicable in the real world, thanks to the trust of the company that made it possible. Working in branches, despite being in different countries than my project teammates, was the goal to achieve... and we did it!.


HTML, CSS, Flexbox, JavaScript, ES6, JSX, React, React Hooks, Node.js, Mongo DB, Web Accessibility, APIs, mob-programming, pair-programming, GitHub.


Intellectual Property
Data protection
Labour Relations
HRIS and algorithms
Agile projects Management
Cost controlling
Employee Relations
Conflict Resolution

My Words

Imagen de The Council of the European Union has just definitively approved the AI Regulation. LinkedIn source.

The Council of the European Union has just definitively approved the AI Regulation. LinkedIn source.

Data protection: With this, and after being signed by the Presidents of the European Parliament and the Council, the text will be published in the Official Journal of the EU in the coming days.

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Imagen de The protection of privacy in the context of personal data processing is a social necessity as well as a matter of compliance with specific legislation or regulation worldwide.

The protection of privacy in the context of personal data processing is a social necessity as well as a matter of compliance with specific legislation or regulation worldwide.

ISO/IEC 27701:2019 PIMS/ISMS."Extension to ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002 for privacy information management" is a tool that can be used by data controllers and data processors. By complying with the requirements of this standard, an organization can generate evidence of how it handles personal data. This evidence can be used to facilitate agreements with business partners where personal data processing is mutually relevant or to demonstrate compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

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Imagen de The Public Sector Receives 34% of Cyberattacks in Spain

The Public Sector Receives 34% of Cyberattacks in Spain

Cyber Security: Public administrations have become attractive targets for criminals; in fact, 34% of cyberattacks in Spain are directed at these entities. Ransomware is one of the most prominent attacks against public administration. Regulations such as the National Security Framework (ENS) and the NIS 2 Directive impose the adoption of minimum security measures, but these are not always integrated in the most effective way.

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Let's talk

Foto de perfil

María Fernández Huerta

+46 73 364 5225
